Writing Rules
APAMEIA Journal is a peer-reviewed academic journal published biannually (June and December) with a double-blind review process.
Each issue includes original research articles reviewed by experts in their fields.
All submissions to APAMEIA Journal must follow the article template provided. Authors must adhere to the main and subheadings in the template without adding or removing any headings.
Author information should not be included in the manuscripts submitted to the journal. Author details must be uploaded separately in accordance with the "Title Page" template.
The similarity rate for manuscripts submitted to the journal should not exceed 15%, excluding references. The similarity report must also be uploaded to the system separately.
Title: The title should be concise, clear, and reflect the content of the study, not exceeding 12 words.
Abstract and Keywords: The article should include an abstract of 150-250 words summarizing the study's purpose, method, findings, and conclusions. Following the abstract, include 3 to 5 keywords.
Main Text
- Introduction: Should include the purpose, significance, and research questions.
- Method: Describe the research method, data collection techniques, and analysis processes used.
- Findings: Present findings clearly and systematically, supported by tables and graphs if needed.
- Conclusion, Discussion, and Recommendations: Compare findings with those in the literature, interpret results, and provide general conclusions and applicable recommendations.
Tables and Figures
- Placement: All tables and figures should be placed in the appropriate parts of the text. Each table and figure must have a number and an explanatory title.
- Quality: Figures must be high resolution and legible, with data in tables presented clearly and comprehensibly.
Citations and References
- APA Style: The journal uses APA 7th Edition format for citations and references. In-text citations should follow the format (Author, Year), with page numbers indicated for direct quotes (Author, Year, p. X).
- References: All references should be listed alphabetically at the end of the manuscript under the title "References."
- Usage: Footnotes should be used sparingly for necessary brief explanations, and excessive use of footnotes should be avoided in the text.
Language and Style
- Language: Articles can be written in Turkish or English, but attention should be paid to fluency and academic tone. Turkish articles should follow the Turkish Language Association's writing guide.
- Academic Style: An objective, clear, and academic language should be used, avoiding personal expressions and colloquial language.
Article Length
- Word Limit: Articles should be between 6,000-8,000 words, excluding appendices, and this limit should not be exceeded, including tables, figures, and references.
- Usage: Appendices may be used for information too detailed for the main text. Each appendix should be numbered and have an explanatory title.