An Investigation into the Technology Adoption of the Local Business: Düzce Güven Bus Company
Technology Acceptance Model, Perceived usefulness, Perceived ease of use, TechnologyAbstract
Within the scope of the research, the change experienced by Düzce Güven bus company, a local business located in Düzce province, in the changing technology period is examined. As a change, investigating the company-specific effects of these innovations, from the classical ticketing system to online reservation processes, is among the main motivations. In addition, it is aimed to interpret the behavior of company employees and passengers in these technological change processes within the technology acceptance model. Oral history research was preferred as the method of the research. An in-depth interview was conducted for the business history and technology process, along with open-ended questions. The interviews were conducted with the participant who has dominated the process in the company since its establishment. According to the results obtained in the study, it was determined that the use of technology provides convenience for the company in terms of cost and ease of service. In addition, it is seen that the technology acceptance model behavior of passengers and staff makes the business life of employees easier, while the younger generation passengers make their travel processes easier
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