Determination of Eating Habits, Eating Attitudes and Gastronomic Image Perceptions in Medical Tourism: Research in Antalya




Medical tourism, eating habits, eating attitudes, gastronomic image, Antalya


The aim of this study is to examine the eating habits of individuals of different nationalities who visit Antalya within the scope of medical tourism movements, which have become increasingly important in recent years, and whether there is a difference in their eating habits, to determine their attitudes towards the food and beverage services offered in the institutions where they purchase services and their thoughts about the gastronomic image of Antalya, and to determine whether food is important among the factors in choosing Antalya. In this context, a survey was conducted with 94 tourists who received health services in Antalya. The findings showed that there was no significant difference in the participants' eating attitudes towards the food served in the hospital and their perceptions of the gastronomic image of Antalya according to their countries. The findings also showed that the important factors that influenced the participants to receive health services in Antalya were the service quality of the hospital and the equipment of the health personnel.


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How to Cite

Adak, B. M., & Doğan, O. (2024). Determination of Eating Habits, Eating Attitudes and Gastronomic Image Perceptions in Medical Tourism: Research in Antalya . Apameia Journal, 1(1).


